A Chat with ChatGPT
The potential impact of Generative AI in higher education learning, teaching and assessment, with specific reference to EAL/D students
Generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, have the capacity to support both learners and teachers in higher education by providing quality prose with a requested specific focus. How that prose is appropriately utilised to support teaching, learning and the assessment of learning is currently being debated, with diverse opinions impacting Gen AI engagement policies across HE institutions. This paper is a personal reflection on using ChatGPT to support both my teaching and lecturing, and my students’ academic and professional communication competencies. Examples are provided where my teaching and lecturing resources, specifically in health sciences, have been created and enhanced through the use of ChatGPT. As many of my students have English as an additional language or dialect, I include reflections on how these AI resources can enhance their learning, both linguistically and topically. This reflection also includes my own thoughts on how embracing Gen AI in learning can be assessed effectively and appropriately. Everything is provided with the understanding that all is open for debate and I welcome future comments and correspondence.
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