What ‘counts’ as numeracy preparation in enabling education programs? Results of a national audit


  • Evonne Lee Irwin University of Newcastle
  • Sally Baker School of Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
  • Ben Carter English Language and Foundation Studies Centre, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia


numeracy as social practice, academic preparedness


Enabling education plays an important role in facilitating the entry of ‘non-traditional’ students into Australian higher education through offering a (currently) cost-free, low stakes alternative pathway into undergraduate study. As such, enabling programs have opened access to students who would otherwise be prohibited from studying at university. In offering pathways that are alternative to the ‘norm’ of school to university transition, enabling education occupies a multifaceted space in higher education and although the definition of enabling education offered by Commonwealth legislation is very broad, we understand its role to be meeting entry requirements through preparing for, inducting, and supporting students in the demands of undergraduate study. This paper takes a fresh look at enabling education through the lens of numeracy as a social practice (Baker & Street, 2004). Through a national audit we map the location of numeracy in enabling programs and explore practitioner perceptions and practices with regard to academic numeracy in enabling education. Our central focus is to understand what enabling educators consider are key numerical and mathematical content and concepts for ‘academic preparedness’ so that we may develop richer understandings of what enabling educators perceive as constituting ‘preparedness’ for undergraduate study. This project is one attempt to add a layer of critical analysis and research to the enabling story as a way of enhancing its important place as a social justice initiative in Australia’s education sector.

Author Biography

Evonne Lee Irwin, University of Newcastle

Blended and Online Curriculum Manager, English Language and Foundation Studies Centre, University of Newcastle




How to Cite

Irwin, E. L., Baker, S., & Carter, B. (2018). What ‘counts’ as numeracy preparation in enabling education programs? Results of a national audit. Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 12(1), A141-A155. Retrieved from https://journal.aall.org.au/index.php/jall/article/view/520