Gadamer and ALL: A hermeneutic understanding of Academic Language and Learning


  • Robin McCormack


Gadamer, hermeneutics, language, ALL


In the English-speaking world, Hans-Georg Gadamer is known principally as a theorist of qualitative research. However, this was a role that was thrust on him by others, more especially by his English-language readership. On the Continent, by contrast, he is viewed as a leading philosophical student of Heidegger and renowned for developing philosophical hermeneutics, a highly innovative generalisation of the theory and practice of textual interpretation to encompass the whole of human experience. In educational endeavours generally, but particularly in language-oriented fields such as Academic Language and Learning, Gadamer, it seems to me, offers many insightful concepts that can enrich both our practice and our understanding of our practice.




How to Cite

McCormack, R. (2014). Gadamer and ALL: A hermeneutic understanding of Academic Language and Learning. Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 8(3), A49-A61. Retrieved from